The catalog below presents bouquets of roses that contain Pink roses.
Bouquets of pink roses
A bouquet of roses of a delicate pink shade will help express your sympathy and feelings. This color gives the flower freshness, fragility and elegance. Beloved girlfriend, wife and close friend will undoubtedly appreciate such a present. In compositions with other flowers and on its own, a pink rose will decorate any holiday, ceremony and celebration.
Bouquet with pink roses - a subtle compliment
In ancient times, pink roses were a symbol of purity and divinity. Today they are associated with sophistication. Unlike scarlet, which symbolize passionate love, pink, according to florists, only hint at the emergence of such feelings. Rosebuds speak of care, tenderness, sweet dreams and hopes, romantic love and affection.
Often men buy a bouquet of pink roses as a gift. They are absolutely right, because it is a win-win option. A composition of unblown pastel buds will look airy and fragile. These sophisticated plants are simply created for the fair sex: they embody the admiration and worship of a woman, indicate the seriousness of the partner's intentions. And it is not customary to present them to men.
When competing with red roses, they often win because they do not outshine other flowers. A bouquet of pink roses can be neutral and enhance the beauty of other inflorescences, or it can be the central accent of the entire ensemble. Florists prefer this shade, often use it.
The trend is now bouquets in hat round, square, heart-shaped boxes, as well as in baskets. This is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also very convenient, because you do not need to look for a vase, the bouquet is easy to transport. Over time, such a composition will only need to be periodically moistened - pour some water directly into the box.
If you are for a traditional bouquet, then you have a wide range of decor to choose from: wrapping paper, craft, multi-colored film, organza, sisal, bows and ribbons, and much more. And if you add bouquets of pink roses with sweets, macaroons, fruits, soft toys, postcards with warm words, then the surprise will be unsurpassed!
To whom do you give pink roses?
Pink has a lot of shades that allow you to make a wide variety of bouquets. This is a warm color. Using the language of floristry, we can convey more than we sometimes say in words:
- pink and white buds are perfect for a first date, the beginning of a relationship, as a hint of romantic feelings;
- pale pink roses give joy to young lovers, the care of a father to his daughter;
- femininity and grace are inherent in classic pink tones - a bouquet of hot pink roses is given for Valentine's Day or a birthday;
- more saturated and dark shades express gratitude to mothers, relatives, colleagues;
- there is also ash pink - this is sadness, doomed love.
Few flowers can be compared in tenderness, airiness with pink roses. Therefore, they are ideal for the bride. Among the variety of varieties, there is always one unique in shape, shade and size for a wedding bouquet. A chic and unusual tandem is created by roses and gerberas. The combination with hydrangeas is also very effective, it looks weightless. Such compositions will not overshadow the image of the bride, they will add charm and modesty.
The Srez company offers to buy pink roses at any convenient time with delivery. Immediately after receiving and paying for the order, florists begin to design a bouquet of freshly cut flowers. Complement roses with irises, orchids, or maybe balloons, postcards and gifts, choose boxes, paper, felt or film. The pink palette is in perfect harmony with white, pearl, brown, purple and green.